confession time…

Ok, I have a confession to make (don’t tell Gorgee!).  The other day I was flipping channels and I saw a few minutes of Desperate Housewives.  I know, it’s terrible.  It was only during a commercial break from Law and Order…but still, I can no longer say that I’ve never seen this show. 
You’re probably thinking, so what?  Well, I thought it was interesting that in the show they had a weekly poker night for the women of  Wisteria Lane.  Just when I thought the poker craze was passe, here it was as a matter of fact for the characters on the show.  Not only that, but it certainly went a ways to break down the old image of a smokey poker night with the guys.  It made me also think of the last time I played poker with my friends…didn’t win (as it was winner take all), but it was great to get together for some poker and Halo (those who lose get to try their luck at Halo  ).  My last poker outing also made me think that I need some more practice. 
Thankfully, there is now a new version of Texas Hold ‘Em on MSN Games.  Rather than playing against a computer, you actually play against other real live people.  And I gotta say it’s a lot of fun.  It certainly lends itself to a bit of smack talking among participants in our office.  I can only imagine what it will be like when I get my poker buddies onto it.  So if you need some more practice like me, or you want to see what all this fuss about poker is all about, come and check out Texas Hold ‘Em on MSN Games!
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